"Ask not what your team can do for you, but what you can do for your team."
-Ian Adamson

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Genesis House Turkey Trot 5K Results

It is the unanimous opinion of the entire East Coast Madness team that this was a fairly tough 5K course. I wouldn't say that it was extremely difficult, but the hills proved to be moderately challenging. We've got to start training better for hills.

8th in Age Group (35-39 male)
104 out of 896 (Overall)
7th in Age Group (25-29 female)
341 out of 896 (Overall)

12th in Age Group (30-34 female)
411 out of 896 (Overall)

49th in Age Group (15-19 female)
783 out of 896 (Overall)

36th in Age Group (20-24 male)
782 out of 896 (Overall)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Great Training Day

We went out to the Blackwater Creek Trails on Sunday with Tyler and Jordan, both of whom are seriously considering joining the East Coast Madness team. I ran the 10 mile loop, and everybody else did the 7 mile trail. We ran into Eddie out there, who knocked out 5 1/2 miles. The weather was beautiful (especially for this late into November), and everybody had a good time, and I think a good workout. I know that I did!

We haven't pinned down the next team training date yet, it may be this weekend, but with the Holidays and out of town guests it's hard to say. I know that everyone will keep working individually until we get something together.

This spring I want to start working on some multi-discipline team training sessions, and I think that the Blackwater Creek Trails would be ideal for a team trail run (10 miles with gear) followed by a longer bike run (maybe 15 miles). We also need to start looking for a spot to do some flat-water paddling.

If any of you have suggestions for new training locations I'd love to hear them.

See you all at the race on Thursday, remember: "Train hard, race easy."

New Balance - Girls On The Run 5K results!

Let me just say that this was a really fun race. There must have been a couple of hundred elementary school kids running. Alexis and I decided to run together, we're working on the teamwork thing. Both Alexis and Erin finished with new personal best times, showing marked improvement.

Alexis - 25:15

Todd - 25:16

Erin - 27:15

The race was timed, but other than that no rankings were available, but we're pretty sure that Alexis finished 12th out of about 300 runners.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Welcome To East Coast Madness

It's now official, we are running as a satellite team of Madness Adventure Racing, a sponsored race group based out of Arizona. Madness runs four or five teams out of Arizona, one in Utah, and now us here in Virginia. We hope to be growing our East Coast numbers soon.

Madness was formed with the primary goal of running Adventure Races, but the members out west also run Marathons, Half-Marathons, Triathlons, Mountain Bike races, 10K, and 5K races. Pretty much anything that keeps them moving, and that's what our goal here is as well. Madness is a not-for-profit incorporated organization whose primary function is to bring racers together as a team, and get them racing.

Training is of the utmost importance to any race team, and we are no exception. The Madness motto is "Train Hard, Race Easy" and thats a philosophy that we in the new east coast team heartily embrace. Training as a team helps to build a strong cooperative attitude, as well as strong racers. Training as a team gives us the opportunity to push each other harder than we would push ourselves alone. Training as a team gives us the strength to push ourselves beyond our personal limitations, and drives us to work harder, because we're working for the team.

Racing is what we are all about. The East Coast Madness team is dedicated to running as many races as we can handle. Our goal is to become a competitive Co-Ed Adventure Racing team, but along the way we're planning on running as many different races as we can. So far we've run in three street races, and one trail race, but our race schedule is quickly filling and becoming more varied.

We invite you to keep up with us here on this blog, but also to come out and train and race with us when you can. If you're interested in joining us you can contact us through this blog.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Apple Valley 5k Results

Todd: 23:12
35 out of 172
5th in age division 30-39

Alexis: 29:59
97 out of 172