"Ask not what your team can do for you, but what you can do for your team."
-Ian Adamson

Thursday, September 30, 2010

September Training Summary


Todd 137.5 (month) 878 (year)

Alexis 65 (month) 581.5 (year)

Erin 38 (month) 471 (year)


Todd 36 (month) 366.5 (year)

Alexis 39 (month) 354.5 (year)

This month was not a 100+ month for me (Alexis). Even though it included three races including a half marathon and a 10 miler, I had a great deal of pain in my knee that had me barely running the two weeks up to the 10 miler or much since. I am looking back over the year and analyzing my training summaries and knee problems. I am aiming to get my knee pain free and be faster than ever by the end of the year. That will include even more training but possibly less overall running. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

37th Virginia Ten Miler

This past Saturday Todd, Erin and I all ran the Genworth Virginia Ten Miler in Lynchburg. The Ten Miler is Lynchburg's biggest race and has grown in the past few years, the race saw over 2700 participants between it's three races; the Amazing Mile (an all children event held downtown the evening before) the 4 miler (which boasted a "walking" section this year) and the 10 miler. Saturday morning's start was a cool one that turned warm before any of us crossed the finish line (except for Benson Cherulyst who crossed the finish line in 49:23). It was Todd's second 10 miler (he ran a 1:36:07 last year when he ran his first ever road race). It was my first 10 miler (I ran the 4 miler portion last year in 45:45, also my first ever road race). It was Erin's first 10 miler as well, she wasn't even running last year when the 10 miler event occurred.

Result are posted here and below:


1:18:39 (an 18 minute improvement from last year!) 7:51 pace

177 out of 1080 overall

16th out of 87 in age division


1:24:54 (8:29 pace)

337 overall

14th in age division


1:49:05 (10:55 pace)

923 overall

58th in age division

This race was actually my "anniversary" race. I ran my first mile since high school last year during the first mile of the 4 miler section. I quickly turned to walking with some occasional jogging after that first mile but it was that event that started it all for me. Ever since the 4 miler last year I have been immersed in running, training and racing. I have seen huge improvements over the past twelve months (from that 11:11 pace at last years 4 miler I have seen race paces as good as 7:39). Because of the meaning this race has for me I really wanted to run it and run it well. That is why I joined a 10 miler training group at the end of July and that it why, when three weeks ago, my knee started to hurt that I was stricken with fear and worry. The knee pain got so bad that I have only run a handful of short runs in the two weeks leading up to the 10 miler. The few days before I was unsure whether I would be running at all.

But I'm strong (read that 'stubborn') and I showed up on race day, downed 4 ibuprofen and joined the ranks crammed in elbow to elbow at the start line. The first mile was fine, it is mostly downhill (the race is the 10 miles off continuos uphill and downhill) and I kept a steady if not fast pace. Then at 1.16 the knee started up, then at 1.5 the other knee started to complain. By two miles both knees were hurting and I was seriously contemplating walking. I was crying in my head and thinking only about my knees. Finally, I told myself to change to positive thoughts or drop out of the race. I knew that negative talk, even if only to myself, was going to make the next 8 miles even more difficult than my knees were already making it. I tried to speed up but the knees and the friction caused by my IT bands were making it rather impossible. Feeling like my training may have all been in vain I pushed on. I told myself if I got to the five mile mark in 40 minutes I could walk. I didn't. It was 41:33. I continued to run through the park and decided to look for my sister, once I found her coming in the other direction I would allow myself a walk. I passed her coming into my sixth mile. I decided to keep pushing a little further and thus started counting runners running the opposite direction (the 10 miler is a loop and these people were behind me as I ran back to the start/finish line). At reaching 7 miles at 1 hour I told myself to keep running. Having already beaten my knees up for an hour I figured another half hour of running couldn't do that much more harm. At 7.5 miles I had an especially bad bout with my right knee that had me wincing in pain and doing a funny shuffle run. I again contemplated walking, but fought through again. Up ahead, at 8 miles, was the famous "Farm Basket Hill" 1.5 miles of all uphill taking you into the home stretch. Having run that hill at least half a dozen times in training I wanted to show off my ability on the hill, make my training count for something. I braced myself and headed uphill into the direct sunlight and towards my reward, the finish line. I did the hill well, but not great. I did pass a few people coming up the hill but try as I might I couldn't break 8 minutes on the hill. It was as bumming as my knee pain was. Finally, after what felt like far more than 10 miles, I saw the finish banner and line up ahead. Unlike the VA Beach Half I was able to kick it up, having grown used to running on my painful knees, I sprinted in like I am accustom to, and heard the announcers recognize my effort to cross which made the moment, if only a little bit, all the more rewarding.

I finished the 10 miler running. I didn't meet my goals of sub 80 or even of a 82. But I ran on knees that begged nothing more than me to walk making this by far my hardest race ever. From this point I am focusing on recovery. I start back running today with a 2 mile run and will work up from there, but this time I am going to listen to my knees. They were so angry they made it tough to walk around for most of the weekend.

Odyssey Trail Running Rampage

Two weeks ago Todd ran his first ultra, a 40 mile race in Douthat State Park. His knee ended up costing him some time during the second half, but I think overall it was a learning experience that he is glad he had.


12th overall in event

Friday, September 17, 2010

Fall Frenzy 5k


21:41 / 7:00 pace
13th out of 94
1st in age division


23:48 / 7:41 pace
24th out of 94
1st in age division

Todd and I both set 5k PR's at this race which wasn't particularly flat or easy so that made it even more sweet that we took 1st in our age division.

Virginia Beach Half Marathon

A few weeks ago Todd and Alexis ran the Va Beach Rock 'N Roll Half Marathon at Va Beach. With 15000 other runners it was a big run. It wasn't quite the 'party' I had anticipated as you ran by the bands and cheer squads pretty quickly and I was rather unhappy with the concrete boardwalk finish as it seemed to aggravate my IT band so badly that I just haven't been able to overcome it since (and am growing more depressed with each passing day I can't run) but other than that it was a good race. I think Todd was rather pleased with his finish and came away injury free.


1:43:10 finish time
7:55 pace
1073 out of 14767 finishers
139 in age division (total 990 in division)
871 out of 6387 in gender


1:48:10 finish time (4:02 over Lynchburg Half)
8:16 pace
1577 out of 14767 finishers
92 in age division out of 1738 in age division
351 out of 8380 in gender

I also ran a 1:22:25 10 miler but it was a pretty flat course.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

August Training Summary


Todd 131.5 (month) 740.5 (year)

Alexis 100.5 (month) 516.5 (year)

Erin 77 (month) 433 (year)


Todd 37.5 (month) 330.5 (year)

I was pleased with my second 100+ running month this year even though I am starting to have more pain in my knee and may need to back off a bit. Todd was the only team member to log any miles on the bike this month, go Todd! Erin had her biggest running month of the year by more than 25 miles this month. Thats an increase of 50%, go Erin!